And with that… chapter 1 comes to a close… with a short epilogue to follow! So to clarify: those are troll arms, grafted onto him – and he has troll blood flowing through him… and in this world – trolls regenerate as a biological function (in the blood). This also hints at a sub-sector of… Read more »
Run For It! – 0113
Time for our heroes to cheese it! … right? Been a super long week – omg. I’m so happy to have a few days off. Happy Thanksgiving all! Please remember to vote on Topwebcomics! Like on Facebook! Like on Comic-Rocket! Favorite on The Webcomic List! Bookmark on Webtoons! Bookmark on Tapas!
Ding Ding, Round 6! – 0110
Ow… Sun must have a deal with a dentist… send all folks she’s fought their way and cash in! 😛 I have Jury duty this week 🙁 wish me luck 🙁 Please remember to vote on Topwebcomics! Like on Facebook! Like on Comic-Rocket! Favorite on The Webcomic List! Bookmark on Webtoons! Bookmark on Tapas!
Quandary of Duty – 0102
I’d think long and hard about approaching a phoenix, ultimately deciding it was my last terrible idea if I followed through… Thanks all for visiting comic!
Envy – 0067
Oof. Honestly, this one and the previous one were hard to write – I’m not a fan of this sort of tension. It reminds me too much of the knife scene from ‘Saving Private Ryan’ (my least favorite scene). Miller shall return, but he’s gone to sleep now for quite some time. I have a… Read more »
Parley – 0066
Miller is in a rough spot, but Sun seems keen on only neutralizing threats – so he’s pretty much safe. She’s in a place where she needs the lay of the land – only makes sense to snag someone with more info. I’m gonna see if I can crank out a holiday comic – I… Read more »
Absconded – 0065
Just a little late night-stroll… gone horribly awry. I’m gonna try to build a back-log of comics again – I’m in the midst of trying to finish up a short story though (comic-art of course), that I’ll post in it’s entirety when I’m done. I’ll likely post it on Webtoons and post an episode a… Read more »
Ryker and Miller – 0057
Humans?! In this comic?! What the hell is this?! Just a pretty rare cut-to-baddies… I don’t/won’t always do it, but it’ll all come full-circle :3 That background is huge and took a longggg time >.