If you groaned at the comic – then it was scary-bad writing… and a success.
It’s that ‘spooky-time’ of the year!
I wrote a poem and short comic for this year’s Halloween, but I didn’t want to leave yall without jokes… so I wrote a short comic on top of that as well! It’s like… 1.3333 (repeating, of course) comics today!
Next week, I’ll have another short comic, then the next 3rd of the spooky one and then on the week of the 28th, it’ll be the full spooky comic.
I know it’s a minor break from the story, and sorry about that, but I put a lot of work into this poem and comic >.>
Thanks for reading!
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The full poem start below:
Verily in mine head,
Scitters thought,
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