Felix Restrained – 0079

Felix my wonderful brave boy… stay strong buddy – it’s not your fault an entire regiment descended on you. 🙁

I hate writing bad guys. I can’t wait till I get back to Poco and get back to a bit more fun times. In the webcomic world, things seem to last forever! >.< Also, I need to build a buffer back up for my updates, that 6 panel one last week destroyed it. Thanks for reading my comic <3!

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Not every one of them… Ryker is a lot of things though. He has his trash moments and we’ll learn more of his motivations soon 🙂


He must be protected! (though normally he can handle himself ;_;… circumstances dictated otherwise though 🙁 )

Foresaw the Inevitable

If a monster is an inferior species, then defeating one would not be the stuff of heroic epics and sagas.

Johnson may want to embellish his exploits a bit. Sir Gawain of the Round Table once joined a hunting party that bagged a boar three times as big as a house.


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