You don’t want a rogue skeleton that attacks people at the mere glimpse… especially when you try to hide a lot >.>; Well, Langa doesn’t mind…
Anywho! My vacation plans look like they’ll include comics while I am gone, so don’t worry about that – It’ll be (1 or 2!) ‘Real life AU’ comics 🙂
Thanks for reading! <3
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Wait, isn’t that a good thing? A skeleton who automatically attacks the species that’s your enemy? It probably works on humans who are disguised, invisible, etc. too.
Well yes and no – they don’t want to attract undo attention and they’re not just wanting to go on a murder-spree. There are towns and places where humans aren’t total wads and treat them well. In fact, one is fairly nearby :3 ((it’s mentioned next strip 😛 ))