
I have a comic about my feelings and issues I’ve been having, forthcoming, but I’ve slowly started work back up on Poco Adventures. I just wanted you to know.

It boils down to a complete breakdown in my ability to formulate anything artistic, but I’ll explain more in depth when I come back… but for now, here is a preview. Thanks for sticking around for so long.


This is my comic that I’ve been drawing for a while, though I’ve not colorized many – I have roughly 120 drawn up and word-ifyed ™.

While I know its sweet to see a comic every week, my motivation typically comes from comments/more people viewing my works. Even if you’re not a huge fan, maybe you know someone who would like it and share with them? Thank you kindly!

The Webcomic List
Belfry Comic List

and Facebook!

Helping this comic grow makes it easier to justify pouring more time/money into the comic! Help share/vote/subscribe/like/sacrifice goats to/etc…!

((ps. don’t really sacrifice goats… but you can give one a mean look if you really want to))

Sometimes I post previews of upcoming strips on Twitter @Pocoadventures

If you run an ad-blocker, please white-list this site: it only has 1 google ad so far and it’s low impact, and helps me out. Thank you!