Wiggles Reunited with Meg! And on to Nigel and Mog… by far my favorite bit of this strip was drawing Mogs confounded face, lol Lots happening in my life but I’m still finding time to update – just no time to promote, so if you can help out with that, most webcomics are found through… Read more »
Larry HATES Wiggles – good thing they’re both background characters or I’d have to make a fight poster between a giant Lobster and Pig >.>; Ok, now I want that, lol. ((be sure to hover over the comic for this weeks’ alt-text… it’s a doozy lol)) thanks for reading! Help me out with some of… Read more »
Been a LONG time since I made Larry… I’ve wanted a Lobster-like species when I started this world – it kinda made sense to me since there are Lobsters in our real world that can literally grow as large as they have the strength to molt and eat (they’re technically biologically-immortal, so long as they… Read more »